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Transforming pulp and paper mills by implementing automation and AI solutions.

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Pulmac – Your Partner for Production Performance. Read the message from Bob White, CEO.

Industry 4.0 Modern Factory: Female Facility Operator Controls Workshop Production Line, Uses Computer with Screens Showing Complex UI of Machine Operation Processes, Controllers, Machinery Blueprints
Transforming information into powerful insights.

Automation Solutions

Automation is possible with good measurement practices supported by strong data analytics. The generated information can be then transformed into powerful predictive insight. Our unique online measurements and automation experience help you get there.

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Quality data to aid in decision-making.

DataSolve Solution

For more than 50 years, we have been providing the pulp and paper industry with solutions to provide measurement and data to aid with decision-making. Now we offer DataSolve TM to augment your analytics needs, pairing our unique expertise with the collaborative and empowering application of Seeq®.

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Manager or Industrial engineer working and control robotic with industry factory and network connection automation robot arm by tablet. AI, Artificial intelligence.
Utilizing the power of data insights and AI to lower ESG by the ton.

ESG Solutions

For the pulp and paper industry, with its close ties to natural resources, sustainable practices, and community engagement, ESG is not just a buzzword but a critical component for long-term sustainability and growth.

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Utilizing the power of AI to optimize manufacturing processes.

Manufacturing AI Solution

Our services aim to revolutionize traditional processes, optimize resource management, and elevate the efficiency and sustainability of your pulp and paper mill’s operations.

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Our Mission

To provide pulp and papermakers across the globe with modern tools delivering actionable information for decision-making and maximizing resource yield for a more sustainable industry.

Recent Blog Resources

Applying Physics to Everyday Pulp and Paper Challenges

Applying Physics to Everyday Pulp and Paper Challenges

How to Calculate Roll Footages / New Diameters Have you ever been challenged with determining…